Hi Everyone. First of all, sorry for my absence in the past few months. The reason is that this project took too much toll on my available hours. The project itself is fun (the hardware, the software) but I had so many questions from so much people not related to the hardware anymore, everyday over and over again. It started on tweakers, my blogging website and even some found my private contact details. Asking me for support with their system, or to look into their offers that they received from their installers or problems with their newly installed unit and then asking me if I could see if I could see any problem.
I felt bad not being able to help them all and then I started to stop visiting tweakers.net so I would not see all the incrementing questions. Every reply I gave, even more questions were coming back to me. I now still have 31 things left to reply on tweakers, but for now I will not be reading them. So hope everyone can accept my apologies for that.

About the project itself.
The last event was that my hardware was tested at a EMI/EMC pre-compliance lab to test if it complies to the EMI and EMC levels that are required for CE. The good news is that I got a pass for all of those points in last november 2022. Big YAY

The hardware is ready to ship and already have 25+ units ready.
The software is not ready to ship. By this I mean, it is not user friendly. For example, there is no option for example to enter your wifi credentials for your home as it is currently hard-coded.
Currently the software is closed source as I used paid components. I am trying to rewrite the software so I can make it open source at github.
As I did not want to sell the hardware by myself, I found a partner this year that offered to sell the device by their company. However, the partner noted me recently that they are low on people count and they have to drop some of their activities. For me this means that for at least till June 2023 they are not able to sell any new devices (including mine). So this is something I need to look into. I am already trying to see if I can have them sold with another partner or maybe find an option to sell it at my own company.
I first start with 5 devices to some people to have them tested. As I am rewriting the software, the working principle should be tested well.
So all things short, I am still working on this project. Around 2 hours a week I have for this project. So it is going slow. I hope not too slow that people will already have their units replaced. So sorry for the delays. Still working on.
And my apologies to everyone with questions or support that I am not able to answer. Hope this post clarifies why. All of you have the best wonderful days
Glad you are ok and still working on it! I thought u had given up.
Hope a working solution will be available at current winter.
The (unusual) warm winter here in Greece so far is a disaster for the LG. I can’t get it work below 39c water temp. If I try of course your solution (requested water temperature close to outlet temperature) i can get to low water temperatures like 34C!
But every one hour i must be close to the controller because the overshoot begins. The hourly overshoots seem to be normal btw and are happening due to the oil return cycle.
Is there any new update available? 🙂